
Strategy costs to be examined by committee of MPs

Posted on 9th April, 2019

A committee of MPs is to probe the potential impact of the government’s Resources and Waste Strategy on local authority finances.  The inquiry by the Commons’ Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee, announced on Friday (22 March), will examine how the strategy could impact on council services and costs. Defra’s long-anticipated Resources and Waste Strategy…

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WasteCare in Sunday Times Top 100 private companies

Posted on 9th April, 2019

The Sunday Times BDO Profit Track 100 league table ranks the WasteCare Group as Britain’s 53rd private company with the fastest growth and profits over the last three years. The league table is compiled by Fast Track and was published as a supplement in last Sunday’s Times. We are very proud to be amongst some…

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MEPs agree single-use plastic measures

Posted on 9th April, 2019

The European Parliament has approved legislation which paves the way for a 90% collection target for plastic bottles by 2029, as well as a full ban on many single-use plastic products from 2021. The proposals were passed at the end of March by MEPs, with 560 votes in favour and 35 against.  The UK has…

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Guidance in sight for used Lithium Ion batteries

Posted on 9th April, 2019

Sector-led guidance is being prepared to assist waste management companies in handling lithium ion batteries to prevent fires at waste sites. The AATF (Approved Authorised Treatment Facility) Forum – which represents treatment facility operators in the WEEE sector – and the waste sector body the ESA are working on projects to reduce the risk of…

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Why WAS?

Posted on 19th March, 2019

If you are a producer of EEE, a local authority, an AATF or a PCS you are a stakeholder and what happens next will affect you. In January DEFRA invited the sector to put forward alternatives to the current voluntary WEEE Producer Balancing Scheme. Following the deadline on the 1st March only WAS has stepped…

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Cooking on waste!

Posted on 19th March, 2019

“The integration of the East Kent Thermal Recovery Facility with the WasteCare Group has got off to a flying start.” claims Graeme Parkin Group COO. “Barely 4 weeks in and we have managed to fill current capacity as well as integrate our IT and operational teams. A pre-planned shutdown is due at the end of…

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The Big Battery Hunt has just got BIGGER

Posted on 19th March, 2019

The Big Battery Hunt is in full swing again in 2019, following the success of the 2018 programme. New schools are being recruited each week for this year’s competition and more than 70 tonnes of batteries have been collected so far in 2019, with more batteries being collected every day. To help the program, a…

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Defra launches strategy consultations

Posted on 19th March, 2019

The Government has set out the full details of how it plans to implement the core aspects of the Resources and Waste Strategy by releasing a string of consultations in February. On household waste measures, the department issued four consultations covering Deposit Return Schemes; Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR); Consistency; and a tax on plastic packaging…

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Project sets out 5 recommendations for CRM recovery in WEEE

Posted on 19th March, 2019

A £2.1m project backed by Defra and the Welsh government has set out five policy recommendations to increase the capture of Critical Raw Materials (CRMs) from WEEE. The CRM Recovery project outlined the findings of a three-year study into the recovery of CRMs, and looked at the recovery of valuable materials such as silver, gold…

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‘On the go’ DRS in consultation options

Posted on 19th March, 2019

Defra has launched its long-awaited consultation on a Deposit Return Scheme (DRS), which sets out two potential options. The first option, known as the ‘all-in’ model, would target virtually all drinks containers placed on the market, irrespective of size. The second option, known as the ‘on-the-go’ model, would restrict the drinks containers inscope to those…

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