
Working together

Posted on 6th March, 2013

A partnership with Kuehne and Nagel has recently been established whereby WasteCare will be collecting various waste streams for secure destruction and recycling. Kuehne and Nagel represent a number of major high street retailers and manufacturers adding to the existing blue chip portfolio of WasteCare Group. A number of successful contracts have also been set…

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Defra vows to tackle waste crime in 2013

Posted on 6th March, 2013

In a recent statement Recycling Minister Lord De Mauley revealed that tackling waste crime was amongst the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs’ (Defra’s) top priorities this year. Outlining plans for legislation around this area the minister said waste offences ‘would not be tolerated’. He said: “Proportionate regulation is vital to protect the environment…

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Recognition for top recyclers

Posted on 6th March, 2013

Zero waste has often been seen as an uneconomical and unachievable goal for businesses, however, with the development of advanced recycling processes and landfill costs at an all-time high, there is now every reason to embrace recycling to the full. To help encourage more recycling, LetsRecycle have launched a high profile recognition scheme. Sponsored by…

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CylinderCare success

Posted on 6th March, 2013

2 years ago, WasteCare Group purchased Brooksight, a gas cylinder repatriation company. Since the purchase, the new service, CylinderCare, has worked closely with Calor to provide national repatriation of gas cylinders from Civic Amenity sites. The success of this partnership has recently moved to the next level with Calor agreeing to name us as their…

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Plastic recycling milestone achieved

Posted on 6th March, 2013

500,000 tonnes of plastic material was recycled in the UK during 2011 according to a survey undertaken by the British Plastics Federation members. Approximately 87% of the groups membership responded to the survey which revealed that a total of 517,000 tonnes of plastic material was recycled. The majority of the waste processed by the recyclers…

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WasteCare wins NHS contract

Posted on 6th March, 2013

WasteCare has recently won a supply contract with North of England Procurement Collaborative (NHS CPC) to provide waste collection and recycling for IT, paint, solvents, batteries, lamps and confidential waste. This means the Group will be considered as preferred suppliers for all NHS contracts in the North of England. WasteCare already provides a multitude of…

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EeeCare greatly increases TV reuse

Posted on 6th March, 2013

Customer service has always been at the heart of the business ethos of all retailers; this has resulted in many of the retail giants offering extended guarantees on electrical equipment. The downside to this policy is many thousands of TVs are now returned to stores with minor faults or damage forcing stores to return the…

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WasteCare fleet shed Carbon

Posted on 6th March, 2013

In a bid to reduce the companies Carbon footprint and reduce running costs, WasteCare have recently invested in 40 new trucks. The new vehicles include 4 x 18 tonne rigid vehicles and 36 artic tractor units. After lengthy research and a number of trials, the transport team have managed to source the most reliable and…

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New packaging for EeeCare

Posted on 6th March, 2013

WasteCare’s EEE refurbishment service has expanded greatly in the past few months branching into fridges, freezers, dishwashers, TVs and washing machines. With a large amount of equipment making its way into the site, we are now developing multiple routes to market for the equipment. With such high standards of service already set by the EeeCare…

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Growth predicted in waste and recycling sector

Posted on 6th January, 2013

Government figures have predicted continuing growth in the waste management sector over the next few years. Officials predict short term growth of 3.0% for waste management sales and 3.9% for recovery and recycling for the remainder of the 2012-13 financial year. Additionally, growth is expected in the waste and recycling sectors beyond this into 2013-14….

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