
Compressors removed from fly-tipped fridges

Posted on 2nd February, 2016

Rules governing the depollution of end of life fridges and freezers appear to be a factor in an increased number of the white goods being fly-tipped, according to one local authority in the West Midlands. Lichfield district council has noted that 2015 saw an increase in the number of fridges and freezers being left on…

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Duty of Care campaign to be rolled out in March

Posted on 2nd February, 2016

Businesses have to conform to a Duty of Care with regard to their waste. However, while most businesses handle their waste correctly, there is still a large number who may be breaching regulations either inadvertently or deliberately. Now, a project aimed at raising the profile of the ‘Duty of Care’ among waste producing businesses is…

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Charge Towards National Battery Day

Posted on 2nd February, 2016

National Battery Day – Thursday 18th February Alessandro Volta invented the battery in 1800, (the Voltaic Pile) leading to Alessandro being made a Count by Napoleon Bonaparte due to his world changing invention. Following on from Alessandros invention, batteries evolved further when in 1899 French physicist Gaston Plante invented the rechargeable battery. Where would we be today without these life changing inventions? Batteries play a crucial…

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Charge Towards National Battery Day – Thursday 18th February

Posted on 8th January, 2016

Alessandro Volta invented the battery in 1800 (the Voltaic Pile) leading to Alessandro being made a count by Napoleon Bonaparte due to his world changing invention. Following on from Alessandros invention, batteries evolved further when in 1899 French physicist Gaston Plante invented the rechargeable battery. Where would we be today without these life changing inventions?…

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Fire tests on waste wood undertaken

Posted on 4th January, 2016

Fires at waste facilities have prompted research to be carried out by a joint industry health and safety organisation and members of the Wood Recyclers Association with the support of other recycling groups including the Chief Fire Officers Association and the Environment Agency. The tests are aimed at reducing the number and impact of fires…

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Circular Economy package unveiled

Posted on 4th January, 2016

Crucial new drivers for recycling and waste management were unveiled by the European Commission in early December. These include targets for recycling and a whole host of other measures promoting resource efficiency ranging from work on food waste and biomass to packaging. The central feature of the Circular Economy package, which is now to be…

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Dry Cleaning – container changes

Posted on 4th January, 2016

New shipping standards on packaging will mean changes to the size of the waste drums supplied to dry cleaning customers. As a result of this, we will now be supplying 27 litre barrels with immediate effect. We will still collect existing waste drums previously supplied however, once they have been filled and collected they will…

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Halifax incident

Posted on 4th January, 2016

On the day our last newsletter went out in December 2015 we found ourselves in the local press. Described as a “Towering Inferno” a fire had broken out in a storage building on our Halifax site. As TV footage came in it certainly looked dramatic; it was only after the fire was extinguished we were…

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Making household recycling easier

Posted on 4th January, 2016

While for most businesses, wheeled bin collection services for general waste and dry recycling are the norm, there are considerable variations in the way waste is collected from households and smaller commercial premises. Recycling and waste minister Rory Stewart (pictured right) has again reiterated the idea that across England the way councils provide waste services should…

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More EEE could prompt a higher 2016 WEEE target

Posted on 4th January, 2016

The UK is expected to have met its target for the recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment UK (WEEE) for 2015, but a surge in the volume of new products placed onto the market could make future targets harder to meet. Data published last month (December 2015) shows that a total of 387,774 tonnes…

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