
Work on fire prevention continues

Posted on 3rd March, 2016

Virtually all sectors of the waste management industry are involved in work to help develop better fire prevention planning within the sector. Trade associations and companies are behind the measures which are being produced by industry with the Chief Fire Officers Association. These are likely to feed into plans which will form part of the…

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528,000 tonnes of WEEE needed to meet 2016 target

Posted on 3rd March, 2016

The Department for Business has outlined the proposed targets for the collection of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) for 2016. Under the proposed target, producer compliance schemes will be required to collect a total of 528,000 tonnes of WEEE in 2016 – roughly 16,000 tonnes more than the overall tonnage of household WEEE collected…

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Draft packaging data published for 2015

Posted on 3rd March, 2016

Interim packaging waste data has been published for the final quarter of 2015 – providing some comfort to the PRN market and companies that recycling targets have been met. Early figures released by the Environment Agency show that all the packaging targets were met but with some materials expected to have started 2016 in a better…

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Scotland launches 33% food waste target

Posted on 3rd March, 2016

The Scottish Government has adopted a target to cut a third of all food waste in the country by 2025, which it claims is “the first of its kind in Europe”. The objective is included in Scotland’s Making Things Last circular economy strategy, which outlines how it will keep in step with recycling targets adopted…

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EA turn up the pressure

Posted on 3rd March, 2016

Following the introduction of the WEEE2 regulations in January 2014 the EA have ratcheted up the recycling ratio for most categories of WEEE. Since the introduction of dual use last year only display (TVs) has dropped, falling 10.59% to 67,564 tonnes. This reflects the impact of lighter flat screens replacing CRTs. We expect in a year…

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Advice to registered Hazardous Waste Producers

Posted on 1st March, 2016

The end of Hazardous Waste Registration in England Up until the end of March, if you produce more than 500kg of hazardous waste you need to be registered as a HW Producer with the EA. Until then we will continue to make sure all our clients are correctly registered as necessary. As part of the…

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WEEE compliance fee to be used

Posted on 2nd February, 2016

The compliance period for the 2015 year under the WEEE system closed at the end of January. Compliance schemes working under the remit of the WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations) had until January 31 to ensure they had enough evidence. With the Department for Business (BIS) having confirmed that it will be setting…

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Gasification technology still slow in the waste sector

Posted on 2nd February, 2016

The recycling and waste management sector is often a focus on the potential for new technology and one of these is gasification. A report by letsrecycle.com suggests that the energy process is slow to take off for a number of reasons. The work notes that on an industrial site in North East England, work has…

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Used plastics market facing more pressures

Posted on 2nd February, 2016

The used plastics sector in the UK is facing considerable pressures with ongoing weak demand for poorer quality material and price pressure too on cleaner materials, such as used plastic bottles and films. Plastics recyclers say that this is because of the plunging oil prices and depressed demand for scrap from the Far East which…

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The Government’s “Red Tape Challenge” unravels HW Producer Registration

Posted on 2nd February, 2016

Although the Red Tape Challenge, much vaunted by the Coalition Government, has appeared to have recently been forgotten, we have just seen an example of its effect. Hazardous Waste Producer Registration ends on the 1st April 2016 in England only. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland each have their own system for controlling the movement of…

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