
Top Zero Waste award presented to ITV’s Coronation Street

Posted on 5th June, 2017

The winner of the platinum Zero Waste award, sponsored by the WasteCare Group, was recognised at the annual Excellence Awards in London last month with ITV’s Coronation Street taking the crown. The TV programme won for its work in minimising its waste throughout the production process and for a high level of recycling of materials…

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Lawyers warn HMRC over Agency crime funding

Posted on 5th June, 2017

Fly-tipping and illegal waste operations continue to catch attention in the national media with some papers even saying that the problem is more of a local concern than some other national political issues. Within government the problem of fly-tipping and waste crime has been reflected with the pumping in of additional monies to support the…

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HSE urges public to use battery recycling points

Posted on 5th June, 2017

Members of the public have been urged by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) to use recycling points for disposing of batteries.  Campaigns have been run to encourage the public to use recycling points. The call to use recycling points comes in the wake of fires in household waste and recycling collection vehicles. Battery expert…

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Deposit scheme will hit councils, warns packaging sector

Posted on 5th June, 2017

The idea of plastic bottle deposit schemes, currently proposed for trials in Scotland, has been criticised by the packaging sector through its Incpen trade association. A London seminar organised by accountancy firm BDO heard Paul Vanston, chief executive of Incpen, explain that councils would lose out the income from the bottles and that they had…

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Plastics apart, packaging targets are largely on course

Posted on 5th June, 2017

Data published in May confirmed that packaging recycling targets for 2017 look to be largely on course to be met by the end of the year, with performance in steel, paper and wood ahead of schedule. Plastics recycling, however, remains of some concern in light of tighter export controls being imposed by China, with the…

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AD sector could double in size, predicts WRAP

Posted on 5th June, 2017

The UK’s anaerobic digestion (AD) sector could ‘double or triple in size’ by the end of the decade, a report by WRAP, the sustainability and resources charity, has suggested. ‘The Organics Recycling Industry Status Report 2015’, recently published, suggests that growth in the AD sector is set to continue, with the sector having grown at a…

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HSE urge use of dedicated recycling points for batteries.

Posted on 9th May, 2017

Members of the public have been urged by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) to use recycling points for disposing of batteries. Campaigns have been run to encourage the public to use recycling points The call to use recycling points comes in the wake of fires in household waste and recycling collection vehicles. And, battery…

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FM Show – London

Posted on 9th May, 2017

If you have not yet planned to visit The Facilities Show at the Excel, London, read on….. We will be making our first appearance at the show with our omnibus of waste. We would like to extend a personal invitation to you to join us on stand P1100 for a coffee and a bun. If you…

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John Lewis contract comes home

Posted on 9th May, 2017

Having helped the Partnership establish the WEEE recycling and reuse operation some six years ago, it was a great disappointment to lose it at renewal. However, following a six month tender process WasteCare are delighted to confirm they have again been awarded the John Lewis WEEE contract. Up against stiff competition from five major WM companies,…

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Provisional packaging data shows rise in plastic, steel and wood

Posted on 9th May, 2017

Q1 packaging recycling data suggests that processing of plastics, wood and steel has increased in the first quarter of 2017 compared to last year’s figures. Published on the National Packaging Waste Database, the provisional data shows how much packaging waste has been recycled or exported during the first quarter of the year. The data indicated…

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