
Firm fined £180,000 for Cyanide dumping

Posted on 9th January, 2018

A Wolverhampton based electroplating firm have been fined £180,000 despite numerous warning to clean up it’s act a court heard. When the cyanide levels were uncovered, company challenged the results suggesting Severn Trent Water introduced it in their sampling equipment.  Waste from the firm goes to Barnhurst Sewage Treatment Works in Oxley which discharges into…

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Pressure grows on government over waste capacity

Posted on 5th December, 2017

A research document assessing a number of reports into the capability within England to treat residual municipal waste has found there will be a shortfall of capacity under most scenarios by 2030. The study, commissioned for the Environmental Services Association, found it was unlikely that there would be enough capacity, primarily in the form of…

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AssetCare in Demand

Posted on 5th December, 2017

AssetCare’s recently launched Data Compliance Scheme is designed to help fulfil your GDPR compliance by keeping you up to date with all relevant legislation and delivering an IT Asset disposal service that goes far beyond the recommended standard. The Scheme is free of charge to all customers of The WasteCare Group and includes on-site audits…

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Framework Achievement

Posted on 5th December, 2017

We are delighted to announce Healthcare Computing Ltd have just been awarded a place on the Crown Commercial Technology Services 2 framework with WasteCare as their named IT Asset Disposal service partner. The TS2 framework is the perfect ICT service solution for every public sector customer including Home Office, MoD, Local Authority and Education. Advantages…

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Agency issues statement over hazardous status of waste wood

Posted on 5th December, 2017

Businesses and local authorities with waste wood arisings are expected to take a cautious view of a recent Regulatory Position Statement issued by the Environment Agency. The statement will be in place for 12 months to November 2018 and allows the movement to continue of waste wood without the need to classify the wood as…

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Industrial Strategy recognises recycling

Posted on 5th December, 2017

The government’s recently released Industrial Strategy has given a push to work on recycling as well as moves towards a circular economy. Launched at the end of November, Prime Minister Theresa May said: “Our modern Industrial Strategy will shape a stronger and fairer economy for decades to come. It will help create the conditions where…

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Government to examine single use plastics

Posted on 5th December, 2017

November’s Budget has come and gone but one surprise component of it has caused much discussion within the waste and recycling sector and beyond. This is Chancellor Philip Hammond’s announcement that the government is to assess the potential for a tax or charge on single use plastics. The move is separate to an ongoing scrutiny…

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Proposals put forward over WEEE recycling at council sites

Posted on 7th November, 2017

Over the past year there have been some concerns that under the current system for the collection of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), some local authority sites might not be serviced. This is after proposals were submitted for the 2017 WEEE compliance fee methodology which it is hoped will address local authority concerns over…

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Infrastructure body concerned about burning plastics

Posted on 7th November, 2017

The UK government’s National Infrastructure Commission was set up to look at the need for new infrastructure across a range of sectors. Now it has produced a consultation document relating to the waste management sector and has somewhat controversially produced a draft document suggesting that waste plastic materials should not be burnt in energy from…

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Government-backed body warns about China quality need

Posted on 7th November, 2017

The resource and recycling charity supported by government, WRAP, has called for a “collaborative” approach in response to concerns over tighter import controls on waste materials to China. The call came in a letter responding to a demand for WRAP to take action. This was sent by the Confederation of Paper Industries, Resource Association, the…

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