
GDPR – We’re Ready, Are You?

Posted on 1st May, 2018

AssetCare, our IT data destruction division, recently hosted a seminar on the impact of the forthcoming General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The seminar was to bring clarity as to how we can all stay on the right side of the law and reduce risk whilst being pragmatic as to the implementation and ongoing requirements of…

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Government to consult on deposit return scheme

Posted on 11th April, 2018

The Government is set to introduce some form of deposit return scheme (DRS) for single use drinks containers, which could cover plastic and glass bottles, as well as cans. The announcement came from Secretary of State, Michael Gove, and is subject to consultation. The scope of the scheme remains unclear at present and will fit…

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Agency crime powers come into force

Posted on 11th April, 2018

New powers for Environment Agency officers and councils to help tackle waste crime have come into force. The powers, which came into effect on 29 March, allow the Agency to lock illegal waste sites and force rogue traders to clean up all waste. Other changes include the use of body worn cameras for all EA…

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New EA charging regime commences

Posted on 11th April, 2018

A new charging scheme has been introduced by the Environment Agency for regulatory permits and services. The Agency said the new scheme, which became effective of 1 April, will ensure businesses cover the costs of the services rather than the public. And, ensure “higher-risk or poor-performing businesses” will be charged more. Following a consultation on…

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Defra lowers WEEE targets for 2018

Posted on 11th April, 2018

Targets for the collection and recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) are set by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) every year. After initial discussions which suggested that there would be reductions across the board in the 2018 DEFRA household WEEE targets, due to UK WEEE Producer Compliance Schemes (PCSs)…

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Landfill Tax and illegal site charges in force from 1 April

Posted on 11th April, 2018

Landfill Tax rates increased across the UK from 1 April 2018 and the tax was extended to include disposals at unauthorised waste sites in England and Northern Ireland. Another significant change from 1 April 2018 is that the Welsh Government now has its own powers to set the Landfill Tax for Wales which is known…

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Packaging targets nearly agreed

Posted on 7th March, 2018

The all-important revisions to the Waste Framework Directive which governments most areas of waste and recycling in the UK and across Europe are moving closer to being adopted. Before Christmas 2017, a draft package was agreed. Now European ambassadors have agreed the proposals and they are with the European Parliament which is expected to give…

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Men released ‘under investigation’ over waste crimes

Posted on 7th March, 2018

Two men arrested in a nationwide waste crime investigation last month were “released under further investigation” towards the end of February. The Environment Agency and Metropolitan Police had announced that the arrests were made as part of a nationwide waste crime investigation, a joint operation by the Environment Agency, the Metropolitan Police Service and Government…

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Taking responsibility

Posted on 7th March, 2018

The Government has formally responded to a report by the House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee’s recent report on plastic waste by pointing to plans to look at changes to the “entire regime”, including increased packaging producer responsibility. However, the government was accused of “dragging its feet” by the committee’s chair, Labour MP Mary Creagh,…

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IT Remarketing – what it is and why your business should be doing it

Posted on 7th March, 2018

All businesses now face the constant pressure to have the latest systems and technology installed. The problem for many is that an upgrade to central systems can be a costly and seemingly complex process. It is a crucial element for any successful business though as using out-of-date technology will negatively impact organisational performance. If you…

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