
Scotland’s recycling rate on the rise

Posted on 6th June, 2018

The Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) has announced that the country’s recycling, composting and re-use of waste has risen above 60 percent for the first time, according to the regulator’s latest statistics. The figures for 2018 cover both municipal and commercial waste, which has reached 61% partly from an uptake in recycling of ‘soils and…

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Plans for post-Brexit regulator discussed

Posted on 9th May, 2018

At present, with the UK a member of the European Union, the government is held to account by the Commission if it fails to meet targets on environmental topics such as the recycling of waste electrical equipment and end of life vehicles. But, post-Brexit next year the Commission will not have this duty and so…

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WasteCare launches training academy

Posted on 9th May, 2018

WasteCare has always been committed to investing in quality skills training. With now over 500 employees operating across 16 sites around the country, the senior management team unanimously agreed it was high time we launched our own training academy. Entitled The WasteCare Academy, the aim is to develop experienced colleagues within the business to join…

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China to respond to WTO over trade measures

Posted on 9th May, 2018

China’s trade authorities have said they will respond ‘as soon as possible’ to global concerns over restrictions on the import of waste products to the country. In April 2018, a meeting of the Committee on Import Licensing of the World Trade Organization, heard concerns from a number of states over measures affecting waste products imposed…

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Battery Plant enters final redevelopment phase

Posted on 9th May, 2018

After several months of redevelopment and investing over £750,000 at WasteCare’s Elland site, the cladding of the building has now started. Work at the site has included creating an extensive concrete yard with sealed drainage to an interceptor, new CCTV and fire detection equipment and rubber coating all of the roofs. In addition to all…

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RDF exports steady in 2017

Posted on 9th May, 2018

The amount of refuse derived fuel exported from England appears to have levelled, according to provisional figures published by the Environment Agency for 2017. According to figures released for January to December 2017, around 3,200,788 tonnes of waste derived fuel was approved for export. This compares to about 3,194,426 the previous year. The feedstock material…

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Waste strategy work underway

Posted on 9th May, 2018

A team of officials within the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs are hard at work on preparing the new resources and waste strategy which could be published as soon as September this year. The strategy is expected to cover the life cycle of a product with sections aimed at design, manufacturing and end…

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State of GDPR: Half of UK adults want to delete their online information

Posted on 9th May, 2018

While the UK, US and Europe continue to grapple with the impending arrival of GDPR- with the deadline of 25th May 2018 rapidly looming- there seems to be growing enthusiasm for one of the central planks of the new rules. The ‘right to be forgotten’- or rather, to access, review and, if desired, delete personal…

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Michael Gove endorses Plastics Pact

Posted on 9th May, 2018

Businesses in the retail and manufacturing sector have come together to launch a Plastics Pact with the aim of reducing the number of polymers used in packaging and to improve recycling of plastics.  The development, organised by the WRAP resource charity, comes in the wake of concerns over plastics use from plastics being found in…

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GDPR – We’re ready…Are you?

Posted on 9th May, 2018

AssetCare, our IT data destruction division, recently hosted it’s first seminar on the impact of the forthcoming General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The seminar brought clarity as to how we can all stay on the right side of the law and reduce risk whilst being pragmatic as to the implementation and ongoing requirements of compliance….

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