
Textiles follows plastics for public pressure

Posted on 19th March, 2019

While the ‘Blue-Planet effect’ has seen public pressure ramp up on plastics, similar pressure from MPs and lobby groups is now beginning to apply in the textiles and used clothing sector. In February, the Environmental Audit Committee, made up of a crossparty group of MPs, recommended that the government introduce a one-penny-pergarment charge on new…

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2018 WEEE target missed, as 2019 goal goes up

Posted on 19th March, 2019

An increased target for the collection of waste electrical items from households has been proposed for 2019 – despite latest data suggesting that the two previous targets have been missed. Defra has outlined its proposals for the collections of WEEE in 2019 – which sets a goal for compliance schemes to collect 550,000 tonnes of…

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Hot off the press!

Posted on 4th February, 2019

WasteCare have just acquired Augean’s site and High Temperature Incinerator located near Sandwich in Kent. This follows a path of acquisitions that firmly focuses the Group’s resources in providing a national service for collecting and recycling most types of hazardous and speciality wastes on behalf of over 35,000 organisations throughout the UK. Commenting on the…

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Brexit ready?

Posted on 4th February, 2019

Uncertainty over what happens on the 29th March is reaching fever pitch. Are we going to be out without a deal, working to a revised version of the existing draft on the table or simply kicking the decision down the road, no one knows. For the waste sector there are additional concerns. For too long,…

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Defra to provide funding for food redistribution schemes

Posted on 4th February, 2019

The government has introduced a pilot scheme for food redistribution organisations allowing them to apply for a funding share of up to £5m. The funding forms part of a £15m scheme launched by Environment Secretary Michael Gove last year, which aims to crack down on food waste generated from the retail and food manufacturing industries….

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Councils to impose household fines for fly-tipping

Posted on 4th February, 2019

Councils can now fine householders up to £400 if they fail to pass their waste to a registered carrier. The new powers came into effect in January, with the objective of preventing further dumping and fly-tipping of household materials from illegal waste operators. Under previous rules, local authorities only had the option of taking offenders…

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Improving your data protection methods is a must

Posted on 4th February, 2019

For many businesses, the idea of data protection is an overall important goal, but not one that carries any real risk. As with other crimes, it can feel like data theft or hacking are things that happen to someone else. But in fact, it’s a very real possibility that any business can be targeted digitally,…

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PRN compliance inspections to ‘double’ says EA

Posted on 4th February, 2019

The Environment Agency (EA) has said that it plans to double inspections at sites which issue Packaging Recovery Notes (PRN’s) throughout 2019. The Agency’s move follows on from criticism directed at the EA and Environment Secretary Michael Gove, for a lack of oversight over facilities producing PRNs. One of the criticisms came from Parliament’s Environmental…

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Brexit plans include extra waste storage

Posted on 4th February, 2019

As Prime Minister Theresa May looks to try and resolve the problem of the ‘Backstop’ plan within the proposed agreement for the UK to leave the European Union, planning is underway on the waste front in case of a ‘no-deal’ hard Brexit. In particular, there has been a focus on the issues surrounding the refuse…

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Northern Ireland receives trial for Iceland DRS

Posted on 4th February, 2019

Food retailer, Iceland, has confirmed that it will be carrying out a six-month trial of its own deposit return scheme (DRS) in Northern Ireland. The retailer is one of several businesses and groups looking at the potential for a DRS, which has been suggested by the government in its Resources and Waste Strategy. The trial…

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