
WasteCare supports National Recycling Awards

Posted on 10th November, 2009

WasteCare were proud to support the MRW National Recycling Awards recently and were honoured to present the Lifetime Achievement Award to Philip Harrington of Wilson James. Anthony Jagan, regional sales representative of WasteCare who presented the award said: “Well done to all the winners, this was a fantastic event which was a great opportunity to…

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Suffolk waste challenge

Posted on 6th November, 2009

Householders in Suffolk have been challenged to see if they can reduce their waste by half. As part of a government trial the ‘Seven Suffolk Streets’ project has been awarded a grant of £10,000 from the Defra to attempt the challenge. One street in each of the seven district council authorities in Suffolk will be…

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Binmen shame

Posted on 28th October, 2009

Binmen in Croydon and Margate have been caught throwing rubbish, sorted by the householders for recycling, into the normal waste truck destined for landfill. It begs the question, is this a more widespread problem? Householders in these areas have caught binmen on camera blatantly emptying recycling boxes and bins into the regular dustcart, while the…

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Extra costs to battery producers

Posted on 2nd October, 2009

The approval of seven battery compliance schemes this week will add an estimated £1,000,000 to the costs for UK Producers, compared to the impact assessment previously released by the regulators. Originally, the EA stated that the sum required by the regulators in order to manage the Battery compliance directive in the UK was around £670,000….

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Beware of tyre scams, use a trusted recycling firm

Posted on 28th September, 2009

A new scam that offers businesses a solution to their used tyre problems is a growing problem across the UK according to a report by BBC Wales. In one such scam garages were offered a service where tyres were removed for a fee. The tyres were then left in storage rather then being recycled, and…

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Midex Camberley

Posted on 28th September, 2009

After being purchased by WasteCare, Midex RT Ltd, the Camberley based WEEE recycler, has increased recycling rates by over 40 per cent in a year through offering a unique door-step amnesty collection service. Aptly named “WeeeCollect”, the service has been running for just over a year and offers householders a free door-step collection of all…

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Rothwell trials food recycling scheme

Posted on 23rd September, 2009

8,000 households in Rothewell, Leeds are taking part in a trial which could lead to Government legislation that would make food waste recycling compulsory. Each household will be provided with a caddy to be kept in the kitchen and to be used to store all food waste. They will also be provided with an outside…

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Only in Britain!

Posted on 10th September, 2009

WasteCare Group’s Managing Director, Peter Hunt gives his personal view on the new Battery Regulations “Retailers will find the new battery regulations difficult and confusing to comply with” says Peter Hunt of BatteryBack. He continues, “unless retailers seek advice in advance of the regulations coming into force, many may find themselves falling foul of the…

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John Lewis go behind the scenes

Posted on 10th September, 2009

A good company concerns itself with things that others are not even aware exist. For many years the John Lewis Partnership has led the way in customer service and product quality. One feature of their service is that they will remove unwanted waste electrical appliances when they deliver new. For many this is the end…

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Europe leads the way in waste to energy

Posted on 25th August, 2009

A new report by Frost and Sullivan has shown that Europe has the largest waste-to-energy market in the world with 429 plants earning a revenue of £3.10bn in 2008. The European Union has indirectly helped the waste-to-energy business as a push to move away from landfill resulted in the planning and commissioning of many plants…

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