
Scotland promises funding after release of recycling figures

Posted on 12th February, 2010

The Scottish Government has promised to provide an extra £7m of funding for council waste and recycling services. This follows the release of figures which revealed that the country is a long way off meeting its 2010 target to recycle 40 per cent of municipal waste by the end of 2010. The figures showed that…

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Boost to BatteryBack Launch

Posted on 3rd February, 2010

BatteryBack is receiving unprecedented levels of enquiries from the general public and battery retailers following prime time coverage earlier this week on both the BBC and ITV national news. Coverage from both networks demonstrated the new retail recycling service by showcasing the leading service provider – BatteryBack; as their distinctive eye-catching containers were clearly visible…

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Government urges public to recycle batteries

Posted on 25th January, 2010

Following the official start of the Battery Recycling Scheme on the 1st January 2010, the Government has urged the public to recycle their used batteries. On their website Directgov say: “Until now, it hasn’t always been easy to recycle batteries, as you may not have had a collection point near you,” “The good news is…

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Farms films producers to get recycling responsibilities

Posted on 18th January, 2010

Defra has launched a consultation which will eventually make producers of farms films responsible for the collection and recycling of the material. The aim is to recycle 80 per cent of the material within four years. At the moment, only 20 per cent of the material is recycled. The consultation, which applies to England, Scotland…

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WEEE changes put back to the end of the year

Posted on 12th January, 2010

The Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) has said that anticipated alterations to the WEEE Directive will not come into force until the end of the year. The changes are expected to lead to a three fold increase in the amount of electrical equipment covered by the Directive therefore tripling the recycling targets for…

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Eleven new experts join WEEE Advisory Body

Posted on 4th January, 2010

As of 1st January 2010 eleven new experts have joined the WEEE Advisory Body, these experts join the ten existing members of the body to be re-appointed. Business minister Ian Lucas selected the new members back in the beginning of December, amongst them is Lee Marshall, former chairman of the Local Authority Recycling Committee (LARAC)….

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Cut wastage this Christmas

Posted on 16th December, 2009

Christmas is, amongst other things, a time of over indulgence and wastage, but it doesn’t have to be that way. By thinking carefully about your actions you can cut your Christmas wastage quite easily. First of all the Christmas tree – you may think you are doing your bit for the environment by using a…

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30 years of WasteCare

Posted on 16th December, 2009

“The snow lies on the ground, the country is in deep recession, unemployment is rising, the Government are increasing taxes to deal with record breaking budget deficits and Silver Lining Industries is making its first collection of waste.” We are talking about the 6th January 1980. Yes 30 years ago things looked bleak but whether…

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Pre-budget report includes cuts to waste collection services

Posted on 10th December, 2009

In a bid to save £550m a year in local government spending by 2012-13, local authorities will be forced to cut waste collection services. This could mean that bin rounds are permanently reduced to fortnightly collections instead of weekly. With the general public unprepared to accept fewer collections due to concerns about vermin, a lot…

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North East MEP urges Government to take action

Posted on 14th November, 2009

Lib Dem MEP Fiona Hall has urged the UK government to follow the example of other European countries and raise public awareness about safe battery disposal. Speaking at the European Parliament’s 4th Battery Collection Day, Fiona said: “In France and Belgium, battery collection points are much more common than they are in the UK. Special…

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