
Bottle deposit scheme considered

Posted on 19th October, 2010

Following research published by the Campaign for Real Recycling (CPRE) the Government is considering the introduction of a new bottle deposit and refund scheme for England. The report, entitled ‘Have we got the bottle’ was undertaken by consultant Eunomia and analyses the environmental and financial implications of introducing a UK deposit refund scheme for drinks…

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Battery recycling on the up

Posted on 19th October, 2010

The general public are returning more batteries for recycling according to the latest figures from the Environment Agency. In fact in the last three months the recycling rate has gone up by 7 per cent. 16.15 per cent of batteries were recycled in the second quarter of 2010 compared to 9.15 per cent in the…

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Household WEEE collection rising

Posted on 19th October, 2010

Figures released by the environment agency have shown that the household WEEE collection rate has increased dramatically during the second quarter of 2010. For the period of April to June 2010 the figure reached 44.3 per cent compared to just 33.6 per cent for the whole of 2009. This rise comes despite the fact that…

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Waitrose leads the way in reducing packaging

Posted on 19th October, 2010

Supermarket chain Waitrose has announced that from October it will be launching a new way of packaging meat that will eventually save up to 90 tonnes of plastic waste per year. The specially designed ‘snip and slide’ containers will be initially be used for mince and diced meat, and then will be rolled out across…

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More recycling will create much needed jobs

Posted on 19th October, 2010

At least 51,000 new jobs will be created if the UK reaches its target of 70 per cent municipal waste recycling by 2025. This is according to a report entitled ‘More jobs, less waste’ which was published by Friends of the Earth. The report also says that a further 18,000 jobs could be created if…

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Welsh manufacturers encouraged to use more recycled materials

Posted on 19th October, 2010

A new funding scheme launched by WRAP Cymru could pay Welsh manufacturing companies up to £50,000 to increase their use of recycled materials. This move comes following research carried out by WRAP Cymru. This found that 78 per cent of small to medium-sized manufacturing companies in Wales thought that direct financial help in switching to…

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Hairdresser supplier prosecuted under WEEE directive

Posted on 19th October, 2010

Aston and Fincher, a hairdresser supplier based in Birmingham has become the first company to be prosecuted under both the packaging regulations and electronics waste rules at the same time. The company has been ordered to pay over £30,000 for failure to comply with packaging regulations and the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directive….

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Scotland waste most food

Posted on 19th October, 2010

A survey commissioned by Waitrose has found that Scottish people waste the most food in the UK, sending around £460 of food per person to landfill every year. The main culprits were milk and bananas, with 86 per cent of Scots admitting that they throw away food at least a couple of times every week….

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WEEE quango axed

Posted on 19th October, 2010

WAB, who were the government advisory body for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) has been axed. This is as part of the governmental cut-backs. Business secretary, Vince Cable announced the dissolution of the board along with that of three other quangos. The responsibility for the work previously carried out by WAB will now go…

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New charter for mobile phone recycling

Posted on 19th October, 2010

The government has announced that it will clamp down on mobile phone recycling. This is in an effort to stop the illegal recycling of stolen handsets. A new charter was agreed following a government consultation with the mobile phone recycling industry. Nearly 100,000 stolen UK mobile phones are recycled and sold each year, in an…

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