
Retail sector concerned about proposed WEEE regulations

Posted on 11th February, 2011

The recent vote in European Parliament on the recast of the WEEE Directive will mean an increase of the target for collecting WEEE to 85 per cent by 2016. In order to reach this higher target the UK is going to have to find new ways to make WEEE recycling easier for consumers, and to…

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10 per cent recycling increase in Guernsey

Posted on 11th February, 2011

Guernsey’s household recycling figures for 2010 have just been released and show a significant increase. 12,122 tonnes of household waste was recycling during the year, up from 8,774 tonnes during 2009. However, the figures also revealed that the amount of household waste produced rose by 2,000 tonnes in the same period.. Public Services Deputy Minister…

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Rubbish recycling tops 40 per cent

Posted on 7th February, 2011

The latest figures from Defra show that across the UK we are now, on average, recycling more than 40 per cent of our rubbish. The figure was taken for the 12 months up to June 2010 and represents a 0.4 per cent rise in recycling. Environment minister, Lord Henley commented: “We’re producing less waste and…

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WEEE Directive recast update

Posted on 4th February, 2011

Proposals to introduce a new collection target for waste electronics have been endorsed by the European Parliament. If agreed, the new collection target would be set at 85 per cent. In addition to this the new agreement would make producers and retailers responsible for funding the collection of WEEE from households. The proposals now have…

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Waste and resources event to continue

Posted on 31st January, 2011

CIWM and the ESA announced last week that they will continue to hold an industry conference in June. The announcement follows the recent news that the Futuresource and RWM exhibitions have combined, presenting a new joint exhibition. CIWM and the ESA were the organisers of Futuresource and are now working with Emap, RWM’s organiser. The…

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Big brands join recycling pledge

Posted on 30th January, 2011

Associated British Foods, Coca-Cola Enterprises and Proctor and Gamble are among the latest batch of high profile UK companies to sign up to the Courtauld Commitment. Elsewhere, Barratt Developments and Hanson UK have signed up to the Halving Waste to Landfill scheme. Both programmes are run by WRAP – they are voluntary agreements which aim…

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Bracknell build on great recycling momentum

Posted on 29th January, 2011

Friends of the Earth are urging Bracknell Council bosses to increase the borough’s recycling rate by almost double. Recently released recycling figures showed that Bracknell is amongst the best recyclers in the country, recycling around 40 per cent of all waste. However, the local Friends of the Earth group believe there is an opportunity to…

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Mixed plastic recycling scheme to be trialled

Posted on 21st January, 2011

Researchers at Warwick University have developed a new method of recycling mixed plastics which currently go to landfill or are burned. The project is still in its early stages, but the team are now at a stage where they want to trial the scheme and are looking for a local tip where they can pilot…

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European Union calls for more recycling

Posted on 19th January, 2011

In a report the European Environment Commissioner, Janez Potocnik has praised Europe for its progress in recycling but highlighted that there is still a lot of progress to be made. He commented that we all still have a long way to go before Europe could be classed as a recycling community. The latest figures show…

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Anglesey Council top of Welsh recycling league

Posted on 16th January, 2011

The latest recycling rates for Welsh local authorities have been released and Anglesey has come out top. They were closely followed by Denbighshire Council. However, Bridgend Council achieved the most, increasing recycling rates from 33 per cent in September 2009 to 51 per cent last year. Anglesey and Denbighshire councils recycled around 57 per cent…

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