
Retailers Pledge To Send Less Than 1% Of Waste To Landfill By 2020

Posted on 6th February, 2014

The UK retail industry has signed up to a range of ambitious targets for reducing its impact on the environment, including pledging to send less than one percent of waste to landfill by 2020. Commitments announced at a recent launch event also include a collective pledge to reduce absolute carbon emissions by 25 percent by…

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Defra scraps TEEP Guidance

Posted on 6th February, 2014

Legal fears are believed to have been behind Defra’s decision to abandon guidance for councils over municipal waste collections, commingling and TEEP.  This is despite the government reassuring councils that guidance was being drawn up by the government last summer Last June resource minister Lord de Mauley had reassured councils that guidance was being drawn…

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A successful 2013

Posted on 6th December, 2013

We would like to take this opportunity to wish all our customers and suppliers a happy Christmas and prosperous New Year. Against the cloudy backdrop of recession, the waste management industry has been making slow but noticeable progress over the past 12 months. As well as showing signs of recovery, the industry is also channelling…

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Investment warning over Autumn Statement

Posted on 6th December, 2013

Concerns have been raised that the lack of certainty on landfill tax after 2015/16 in the December 5 Autumn Statement may jeopardise future green growth and investment in the waste sector. George Osborne’s Statement was met with disappointment in the waste management industry as it included no mention of landfill tax, which is set to…

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Export is no solution

Posted on 6th December, 2013

Almost as worrying as the practice of illegally exporting WEEE is a feeling that we are starting to become desensitised to it. Maybe we feel it is inevitable – just another inconvenient truth? I hope and still believe that this isn’t the case. This belief is based on the sound environmental, economic and commercial reasons…

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Consumers Willing To Trade In Unwanted Electronics

Posted on 6th December, 2013

New research from WRAP shows that there is considerable consumer interest in resource efficient business models, which contribute to a circular economy by keeping products in circulation for longer. Consumers have a strong preference for buying and owning new products. However, research from WRAP found that there is a “strong appetite” for repair and rental…

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Complete CustomerCare

Posted on 6th December, 2013

The key to good customer service is a customer orientated approach throughout all departments, whether it be drivers on the road or the sales team helping to solve customer’s challenges. WasteCare are constantly investing in a structure which supports the customer throughout the process. With this in mind, the company has recently recruited 2 key…

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Defra to cut waste role in 2014/15

Posted on 6th December, 2013

Newly appointed resource minister Dan Rogerson has written to members of the waste and recycling sector to inform them of a ‘reduction of activities’ in the area for 2014/15. In the letter Mr Rogerson wrote that waste is ‘one of his priorities’ but added that from next year, the Department will focus on ‘essential’ areas…

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Here to help

Posted on 6th December, 2013

It is often the case that when a collection is requested, it is to address an immediate problem, however, in many cases when WasteCare arrives, the driver can instantly identify a number of other waste streams ready for collection. This was the case recently when a large aviation manufacturer requested 2 collections for rags and…

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Environmental permit compliance improving

Posted on 6th December, 2013

There was a ‘continued improvement’ in compliance with environmental permits at sites regulated by the Environment Agency in 2012, according to a report. Permits are issued to businesses to ensure that releases from a site to air, land and water do not cause pollution or harm. Compliance of sites is assessed by the Agency through…

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