
Service standards aim high

Posted on 28th February, 2014

WasteCare is constantly striving to improve the service experienced by customers throughout its wide range of services. Waste management is a complicated business requiring many different skillsets in order to complete the job in time whilst satisfying stringent regulations. The past few weeks has seen the start of a major new training initiative to train…

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End to WEEE evidence trading confirmed

Posted on 28th February, 2014

There will be no return to evidence trading to make up for surplus collections by members of the waste electronics industry, a letter from the department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) has confirmed. New WEEE regulations introduced a collection target for producers. A compliance fee was also introduced for those who do not meet…

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Quarterly Stats Show England Recycling Rate Rises Slightly To 43.3 Percent

Posted on 28th February, 2014

England’s recycling rate has risen slightly from 43.2 in March 2012 to 43.3 percent, according to provisional quarterly statistics on local authority collected waste. Defra also announced that as of May this year the calculation of household recycling will exclude gulley emptying and street sweepings as well as other waste that is not coming directly…

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Packaging Regulation changes

Posted on 6th February, 2014

The Environment Agency has recently issued new guidance regarding the collection of waste packaging. The revised technical guidance (WM2) came into effect from 1st Jan and last week the EA issued a draft letter clarifying what the new changes mean. Final confirmation is expected shortly. Definition – All used packaging is now considered waste under…

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NCP ensures green switchover

Posted on 6th February, 2014

WasteCare Group ensures NCP completes its national switchover with 100% recycling. Recent innovations in lighting have seen the technology behind the lighting become steadily more efficient, firstly with energy saving bulbs allowing bulbs to last for many years longer and then more recently with LED bulbs supplying light lasting for double the time at a…

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WEEE Compliance – New regulations same challenges

Posted on 6th February, 2014

Following the recent upheaval caused by the introduction of the new WEEE2 Regulations, WeeeCare Plc is pleased to find that the overwhelming majority of members have stayed loyal to the UK’s favourite compliance scheme. The new de minimis limit meant that many smaller members could go it alone. However, WeeeCare’s unique offering ensured that smaller…

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WasteCare launches new HazBox service

Posted on 6th February, 2014

Many companies have multiple sites that require frequent small collections of hazardous waste, however, regulations dictate that each of these waste streams needs to be stored in separate containers which can take up unnecessary space and incur avoidable fees. Thankfully, there is an exception to the EA regulations which states that smaller volumes of hazardous…

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BIS to review WEEE evidence trading

Posted on 6th February, 2014

Some electrical reprocessors have warned that a new evidence note trading system for waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) will significantly add to their administrative costs. The changes involve the transferring of evidence between compliance schemes via operators of Approved Authorised Treatment Facilities (AATFs) and came into force on January 1 2014. The operators of…

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Organised crime increasing threat to waste industry

Posted on 6th February, 2014

Organised crime is infiltrating the waste sector and becoming an increasing cause for concern, according to major voices in the industry. Last year the independent Mills report revealed that the Northern Ireland waste sector was vulnerable to crime, and claimed that the whole of the UK was at risk. Christopher Mills, former director of the Welsh Environment…

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Scotland introduces separating waste rules for businesses

Posted on 6th February, 2014

All businesses in Scotland now have a legal responsibility to separate recyclables including paper, plastic, card, metal and glass. The Waste (Scotland) Regulations, which came into force on 1 January, also require food businesses in urban areas producing more than 50kg per week of food waste to implement food recycling schemes. The move will support…

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