
Looking forward to seeing you there!

Posted on 2nd September, 2014

With only 14 days to go until RWM 2014, we are excited to launch our latest innovation “myWaste”. At a click of a button on your mobile, tablet or laptop the myWaste web app provides you with all your waste management needs at your fingertips. On any day of the exhibition, visit us at stand…

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Committed to security, compliance and service

Posted on 1st September, 2014

SecureCare, our data destruction and IT recycling operation, has seen a dramatic rise both in the number of clients and the volume of equipment received. In terms of weight, we used to average just over 15 tonnes going through the asset listing benches per day. This has risen to in excess of 30 tonnes per…

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No time to watch television

Posted on 1st September, 2014

In partnership with Coastal Waste Ltd, WasteCare have recently opened a CRT reprocessing plant to handle all the CRT televisions collected from across Devon and South West. Although the volumes of waste TVs and CRT screens is beginning to ebb, UK capacity is dropping faster and therefore the distances needed to transport televisions is increasing….

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Ignorance is no defence

Posted on 1st September, 2014

Following last week’s report of the £180,000 fine imposed on the Department of Justice for losing a hard drive, it is perhaps time to think, “but for the grace of God, go I”. As far as we know there have been no victims, no one has suffered loss or harm and it would not appear…

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Widnes Service Centre to the rescue

Posted on 1st September, 2014

On the 8th August we received a call from the local authority who advised us of an unidentified abandoned trailer in the Widnes area containing approximately 37,000 litres of hazardous liquid. Always happy to help, we attended the site with Simon Walker, Environmental Quality and Improvement Principal Officer at Halton Borough Council, the Environment Agency and…

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Better balance in battery recycling types

Posted on 1st September, 2014

The proportion of waste lead acid batteries counted as ‘portable’ has continued to fall. According to figures for the second quarter of 2014, the Environment Agency has reported that the UK is set to meet the 35% collection target for 2014, collecting over 7,500 tonnes of waste batteries to date out of an expected obligation…

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Defra looks at PRN system

Posted on 1st September, 2014

The UK’s packaging waste system, which sees obligated businesses accounting for recycling through the purchase of PRNs (packaging waste recovery notes), continues to attract attention. The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) which is responsible for the packaging waste legislation is sounding out parties involved as to what they think of the current…

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Holland set to impose incineration tax

Posted on 1st September, 2014

While landfill taxes and bans on disposal are relatively common in Europe, incineration taxes have until now not been greatly used. Indeed, incinerator operators in northern Europe are encouraged to attract material for their plants because they generate energy for local communities. However, financial pressures in Holland have prompted the country’s government to plan an…

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Annual industry exhibition at the NEC

Posted on 1st September, 2014

More than 200 speakers have been confirmed for the Resource Waste Management (RWM) show in Birmingham this year, including Secretary of State Eric Pickles and former Marks & Spencer executive chairman Sir Stuart Rose. Now in its 47th year, the three-day event at the NEC will play host to more than 750 exhibitors displaying the…

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Summer sunshine

Posted on 1st September, 2014

We think it must have been taken from a hot air balloon or a passing microlight but we were sent this picture last week showing our newly installed solar array on our Normanton LogiCare facility. Having had an unusually high number of sunny days this summer we are confident it was working at its maximum…

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