
Government seeks to cut red tape in waste sector

Posted on 3rd August, 2015

A review to identify unnecessary barriers to growth and productivity in the waste sector has been launched by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra). The department is seeking evidence of barriers in the law, how it is implemented and enforcement activity which is carried out on the ground. The review is part of the…

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MRF data published

Posted on 3rd August, 2015

Input and output tonnages at materials recycling facilities (MRFs) across England and Wales have been published for the first time by the Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP). The data, which covers the months October to December 2014, is the first set published under new sampling and reporting obligations for MRF operators receiving more than…

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Landfill tax revenue tops £1 billion

Posted on 1st July, 2015

Over £1.1 billion was raised by the Treasury through Landfill Tax in 2014, according to figures published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The figure is almost 10 times the income of £113 million generated from the tax when it was first introduced in 1996. The landfill tax was initially set up to help…

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New friends abroad

Posted on 1st July, 2015

French Company Envie Strasbourg love the quality of ApplianceCare’s reconditioned domestic appliances and are now buying full artic loads on a regular basis. Envie Strasbourg are based in Northern France and have built up a great reputation for supplying high quality refurbished appliances. ApplianceCare have also started to supply other parts of Europe with Greece,…

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BIS confident over future WEEE targets

Posted on 1st July, 2015

Meeting higher targets for the collection of waste electronic and electrical equipment (WEEE) looks “very achievable”, according to an official from the Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS). Speaking at a WEEE Conference in London in June, Steven Andrews said that both EU collection and producer compliance scheme targets had been achieved, while the…

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Steptoe to Del Boy

Posted on 1st July, 2015

This year’s WEEE Conference was held at the Connaught Rooms in London by letsrecycle.com. Peter Hunt, our Group Chairman, spoke on the benefits and importance of reuse within the waste hierarchy. Please visit PRESENTATION AND NOTES  for a copy of the presentation and notes which have been kindly supplied by letsrecycle.com. (Pictured right: Peter Hunt)


Tougher fines given out for pollution offences

Posted on 1st July, 2015

Waste companies have been warned that they could face fines equivalent to 100% of their pre-tax profits if convicted of pollution offences in future. The warning from the Environment Agency comes after the Court of Appeal upheld a £250,000 fine for Thames Water Utilities Ltd in June for polluting a nature reserve. While the judgement…

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WRAP unveils new five-year plan

Posted on 1st July, 2015

The Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP) has launched a new five-year plan, highlighting electronics as one of three priority areas of focus. The government-funded resource efficiency body launched the ‘Resource Revolution, Creating the Future’ plan in June. The plan covers the years 2015-2020 and represents the first plan by WRAP since it gained charity…

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Minister sets out bold ambitions for recycling

Posted on 1st July, 2015

Resource management minister, Rory Stewart, has declared an ambition to see the UK become the “best country in the world for recycling”. The strong statement in favour of recycling was delivered at the combined annual conference of the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM), the Environmental Services Association (ESA) and the Resource Association in London…

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Chemical Classification delay

Posted on 1st July, 2015

Last month we informed you that the new Hazardous chemical classification changes were coming into force on the 1st June. After we had sent out the newsletter we learnt that they had been delayed until the 1st July. To remind you the European Classification, Labelling & Packaging (CLP) Regulations will take effect in the UK…

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