
Circular economy package to push recycling

Posted on 1st December, 2015

An important package of proposed measures from the European Commission is being unveiled in December which will set the pace for environmental and recycling measures in Europe over the coming years. It will still need to be discussed by EU Member States but will give increased recycling targets for municipalities and also encourage the better…

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RDF definition published for England

Posted on 1st December, 2015

The Environment Agency has published a definition of Refuse Derived Fuel which it is to trial from January to June 2016. The definition is: “Refuse derived fuel (RDF) consists of residual waste that is subject to a contract with an end-user for use as a fuel in an energy from waste facility. The contract must…

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Scrap metal prices stabilising

Posted on 1st December, 2015

Reports from the metals recycling sector suggest that a bottom may have been reached in the ferrous sector although there remains uncertainty within non-ferrous markets. At the end of November copper prices saw some surprise falls with uncertainty about global demand and some experts saying that copper was almost no longer an accurate barometer of…

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Metals prices continue to fall

Posted on 2nd November, 2015

Scrap metal prices saw further falls in October adding to uncertainty in the metals sector which has also seen the closure of the SSI steelworks in Redcar and proposed job losses at Tata Steel. And, the price reductions are having a knock on effect in the WEEE recycling sector and for local authorities who are…

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Packaging pressure on plastics

Posted on 2nd November, 2015

The UK’s unique packaging waste accounting system using the packaging waste recovery note (PRN) continues to cause exasperation in some sectors. This time it is the plastics PRN which is attracting attention with expectations that the price for a PRN, which represents the recycling of one tonne of material, could move towards £100 a tonne…

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WEEE compliance fee proposals up for consultation

Posted on 2nd November, 2015

Three proposals to determine how the WEEE compliance fee will be costed in 2015 are currently out for consultation, after having been submitted to the Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS). The Department can choose to use the compliance fee under the revised WEEE regulations, which came into effect from January 2014. The regulations…

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Agencies to be given enhanced waste crime powers

Posted on 2nd November, 2015

New legislation is to be introduced to give the Environment Agency greater powers to tackle waste site operators who have breached the terms of their environmental permits, the government announced last month (October 9). The promise to strengthen powers came in a response to comments gathered by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs…

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SEPA data shows slight fall in operator compliance in 2014

Posted on 2nd November, 2015

The percentage of site operators in Scotland which met the conditions of their licence in 2014 fell to 88% in 2014, the latest data published by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) shows. SEPA said it was “disappointed” in the 2% drop in the number of operators achieving a rating of ‘excellent’, ‘good’ or ‘broadly…

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WRAP to lead EU WEEE recovery project

Posted on 2nd November, 2015

UK-based resources charity WRAP is heading up an EU-funded project to explore the commercial opportunities for recovering raw materials from waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). The EU LIFE-funded project – Critical Raw Material Closed Loop Recovery (CRM Recovery) – will link collection methods with ‘recovery success’, according to WRAP. The project will aim to…

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4m TalkTalk customers potentially affected by a cyber-attack

Posted on 2nd November, 2015

TalkTalk has admitted they have received a ransom demand from someone claiming to be the hacker responsible for the massive data security incident. Addressing the BBC, TalkTalk chief executive Dido Harding said, “It is hard for me to give you very much detail, but yes, we have been contacted by, I don’t know whether it…

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