
Normanton purchase

Posted on 4th January, 2016

Although Tyler Close in Normanton has been home to the Artic fleet, AssetCare and EeeCare for nearly five years, three days before Christmas was still an important date. On a cold December morning in 2010 it was agreed we could have a 5 year option to buy the site, on the understanding we could help evict…

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Recycling rates levelling off

Posted on 4th January, 2016

Data released in December by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs showed that the UK’s household recycling rate as a whole was 44.9% for the calendar year 2014. This was just a fraction up on the year before and shows how recycling rates are levelling off. The figures also confirmed that the use…

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Flood victims – Lending a bucket!

Posted on 4th January, 2016

Over the last couple of weeks, across the length of the country businesses and homes have become victims of the flooding. The fact that so many separate areas have, this year, been affected possibly dilutes in our minds the enormity of the challenge, unless of course you are one of those affected. We are contacting…

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Reflecting on the last year and preparing for this

Posted on 4th January, 2016

Most UK recyclers, regardless of sector, would readily admit that 2015 was a little challenging. The continuing decline in commodity prices, on virtually all recyclate, has generated an ongoing headwind. Add to this WM3 – the Environment Agency’s latest guidance on the labelling, storage, packaging and transport of waste – which has created a great…

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Warning from RoSPA over button battery danger at Christmas

Posted on 22nd December, 2015

As Christmas approaches the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) is warning young families of the danger of lithium button batteries to children. The festive period can typically see a rise in the number of these small, button-shaped batteries introduced to the home as they are contained in children’s toys, musical Christmas cards,…

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Incident at our Elland storage site

Posted on 4th December, 2015

A fire has occurred affecting a building within our Elland storage site. We are pleased to report that the fire was quickly brought under control, no injuries were sustained and all business continues as normal. Smoke was reported rising from a storage outhouse at 10.15am yesterday morning at our facility at Elland. By the time…

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Boxing above its weight

Posted on 1st December, 2015

WasteCare’s new HazBox which launched in the summer is breaking into a number of new markets. Large retailers, garage forecourts and engineering businesses are some of the sectors that see the benefits of a low cost solution for collecting their often unexpected and random hazardous and difficult waste streams. With a single price and free…

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Paper PRNs increase to £5 per tonne

Posted on 1st December, 2015

The PRN sector continues to be full of surprises. After the value of aluminium PRNs (packaging waste recovery notes) rose earlier this year, it has now fallen back. But paper PRNs have risen due to increased pressure to meet the packaging recovery obligation in the final quarter of 2015. Paper PRNs are generally issued by…

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Defra cuts outlined in Osborne spending review

Posted on 1st December, 2015

Departmental day-to-day spending is to be reduced by 15% under plans outlined by Chancellor George Osborne in his spending review announced on 25 November 2015.  The spending review was published following the Chancellor’s speech to Parliament, in which he laid out his plans for government spending over the next five years. Day-to-day spending by departments…

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Daniels Recycling prosecuted for African WEEE export

Posted on 1st December, 2015

The directors of Warrington-based Daniels Recycling Ltd have been fined £130,000 for illegally exporting waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) to Africa. Last month, directors and married couple Mark Daniels, 51, and Lynn Gallop, 52, pleaded guilty at Warrington Crown Court to illegally exporting 187 tonnes of WEEE to Nigeria, Ghana, the Ivory Coast, Tanzania,…

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