
Packaging safely

Posted on 1st September, 2016

A chemical and alcohol producer has been ordered to pay almost £300,000 after a fire that destroyed its distillery warehouse in the Black Country. Wolverhampton Crown Court heard how a highly flammable liquid called ethyl acetate was being transferred from a bulk storage tank into an intermediate bulk container when the fire broke out in…

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Q2 packaging figures show steel recycling boost

Posted on 1st August, 2016

Figures published by the Environment Agency on packaging recycling indicate that steel packaging reprocessing surged in the second quarter of the year, following concerns earlier in the year that targets could be missed. The figures, published on the National Packaging Waste Database, give an indication of how much packaging waste was recycled or exported between…

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WasteCare Group acquires Veolia’s Liverpool facility

Posted on 1st August, 2016

The WasteCare Group has purchased Veolia’s Lower Bank View hazardous waste treatment site in Liverpool. Specialising in the treatment and disposal of industrial liquid waste, the site is licensed to treat over 2,000 tonnes per week. The facility treats effluents such as acids, interceptors waste, alkalis, leachate, biosludge, metal hydroxide, chromic acids, nitric acid, coolants,…

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Rory Stewart departs Defra as Thérèse Coffey joins

Posted on 1st August, 2016

The government’s minister in charge of waste and resources, Rory Stewart, has left Defra to take up a post within the Department for International Development, as part of a reshuffle by the new Prime Minister Theresa May. Mr Stewart’s departure has seen Dr Thérèse Coffey take up the vacancy within the Department for Environment, Food…

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Leeds man faces prison over WEEE fraud

Posted on 1st August, 2016

A Leeds waste operator has been jailed for seven years and six months for defrauding the electrical waste recycling industry out of £2.2million. Terence Solomon Dugbo, 45, of High Ash Avenue, Leeds, was sentenced on Friday 15 July at Leeds Crown Court following a major Environment Agency investigation and seven-week trial. The Environment Agency claims…

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DECC and BIS in departmental merger

Posted on 1st August, 2016

The UK government’s Department of Energy & Climate Change and the Department of Business, Innovation & Skills have been abolished to make way for a new policy unit – the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy. The new Department will be headed by the former Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government Greg…

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Producer responsibility under Defra spotlight

Posted on 1st August, 2016

Defra is to look more closely at options for introducing extended producer responsibility schemes for a wider range of products. Ministers have instructed officials to weigh up the options for producer responsibility on products which could range from gas bottles and mattresses to other items such as paint. This could potentially include looking at voluntary…

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Agency to target sites lacking ‘competent’ managers

Posted on 1st August, 2016

Environmental regulators will target waste sites operating without ‘technically competent managers’ an official has indicated. Speaking at the Metals Recycling Event at Donington Park last month, Paul Fernee, team lead for metals and end of life vehicles at the Environment Agency said that technical competence was one of the issues causing difficulties that had emerged…

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Cuts warning over environmental targets

Posted on 1st August, 2016

Progress towards meeting environmental targets is likely to be impacted by cuts to government budgets the National Audit Office has claimed. Spending plans outlined by the then Chancellor George Osborne in November 2015, set in motion a 15% cut in day-to-day spending for the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), which is responsible…

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Pollution Incidents drop in 2015

Posted on 5th July, 2016

The Environment Agency have congratulated the waste management sector on continuing to improve compliance standards with a significant reduction in incidents in 2015. In the next couple of weeks the EA will be publishing data on the number of category 1 and 2 incidents during 2015 confirming that in the hazardous waste transfer and treatment…

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