
Two thirds of recycled plastic waste sent abroad

Posted on 3rd April, 2017

The proportion of waste plastic packaging that is being exported to countries such as China and India has increased from 60% in the first three quarters of 2014 to 67% in the same period last year.  Two thirds of plastic packaging which has been placed in recycling bins is being shipped overseas.  This causes great…

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PolymerCare resets expectations

Posted on 6th March, 2017

Following the recent announcement that WasteCare had launched a service for recycling post-consumer waste plastics, the WasteCare Group has since acquired the assets of Kent based Recapture Plastics Ltd to form a new business PolymerCare Ltd. Graeme Parkin, Chief Operating Officer of the WasteCare Group praised the commitment and expertise of the existing management and…

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Retailers called on to act over labelling and food waste

Posted on 6th March, 2017

Retailers could help cut an estimated 350,000 tonnes of avoidable household food waste per year by making changes to packaging and ‘Use By’ dates, claims a report and survey by the resources charity WRAP. The Retailer Survey – which is used to shape WRAP’s work on meeting the retail sector’s Courtauld Commitment 2025 – is…

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WEEE targets are ‘met for 2016’

Posted on 6th March, 2017

Figures published by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) at the beginning of March show that targets have been met for the recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment in 2016. However, targets for some individual material streams, notably lamps and IT equipment, have been missed, meaning that some compliance schemes will…

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Treasury in defensive mode over environment

Posted on 6th March, 2017

The Treasury has dismissed accusations from a Parliamentary committee that it has ‘run roughshod’ over Defra’s environmental policy objectives. Instead, the Treasury has reasoned that ‘trade-offs’ in departmental expenditure have been necessary.  The comments came in a formal response to criticisms from the Environmental Audit Committee which is chaired by Labour’s Mary Creagh. And, the…

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Jail and fines after waste crime prosecutions

Posted on 6th March, 2017

Fly-tippers in Liverpool have been jailed for repeated fly-tipping offences and in North East England, the boss of a skip hire firm has been ordered to pay back £1 million in illegal proceeds. In Liverpool George Kevin Parry, 55, and David Smith, 53, of Aspes Road, West Derby, were sentenced at Liverpool Magistrates Court on…

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Bottle deposit idea prompts debate

Posted on 6th March, 2017

Discussion of a possible deposit scheme for drinks bottles in Scotland has prompted discussion in England and Wales. The backers of a deposit scheme in Scotland have been heartened by the decision of Coca Cola to say it would favour a Scottish trial of such a system. In England, there have been calls for a…

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Packaging recycling at 8.2m tonnes in 2016

Posted on 6th March, 2017

The amount of packaging recycled or recovered in the UK is likely to be an estimated 8.2 million tonnes in 2016.  The figure is derived from monthly reporting figures for the UK’s packaging waste system recorded between 1 January 2016 and 10 February 2017. While the official overall figures for 2016 will not be revealed…

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UK tenth in European league table

Posted on 6th February, 2017

The United Kingdom and Italy tied for tenth place among the top-ranked municipal waste recyclers in Europe during 2015, figures published at the end of January by the European Union’s statistics body Eurostat suggest. According to the figures, which are submitted on behalf of the EU’s 27 member states, as well as other European nations…

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