
Great Repeal Bill loses the ‘Great’

Posted on 7th July, 2017

The government has committed itself to introducing legislation to bring existing EU regulations into UK law, it was confirmed in the Queen’s Speech to Parliament on 21 June. The speech, which follows the State Opening of Parliament, sets out the priorities for the government over the course of the next Parliament. Environmental laws will be…

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Facilities Show – Excel London

Posted on 7th July, 2017

Our Silver Lady did us proud at this year’s FM Show at the ExCel Centre in London. It was our first outing to the prestigious Facility Show and as always our bus took centre stage, not to mention our colleagues who tirelessly spread the word. Chris Johal certainly got the prize for collecting the most…

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On the right track

Posted on 7th July, 2017

Having won the latest tender we are pleased to have been chosen to stay on the right track with Network Rail. We are delighted to continue working with UK Waste Solutions to ensure we continue to improve recycling rates and reduce costs through improved efficiency. To enhance the service further, we are currently rolling out our new…

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Householder d-i-y waste charges in focus

Posted on 7th July, 2017

Charging householders for dropping of what has loosely been called ‘d-i-y waste’ is back in the news again. In the spring this year, the government through the Department for Communities and Local Government suggested to councils in a litter strategy that it was felt local authorities should not charge for the waste. But, a lot…

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Domestic fridges at CA sites

Posted on 7th July, 2017

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment has been in the news recently with discussion on topics such as what counts as WEEE and in particular what is a domestic fridge. Defra has suggested that that items beyond the typical fridge would qualify as domestic WEEE which local authorities should accept at civic amenity sites. For example,…

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Packaging waste after 2020 discussed

Posted on 7th July, 2017

The UK’s packaging waste system is under discussion as to how packaging waste recycling targets might be met after 2020, especially if the UK signs up to higher recycling rates under the EU’s circular economy package. At the recent CWIM conference in London delegates were told about a study which had come up with four…

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Gove in as Coffey stays

Posted on 7th July, 2017

The General Election in June saw the Conservatives return to power with a much reduced majority and supported by the DUP party from Northern Ireland. A number of top ministerial posts stayed the same but there was change was at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) which saw Andrea Leadsom replaced by…

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Warship recycling ‘lead’ for the UK

Posted on 7th July, 2017

The UK might not lead on municipal recycling but according to a defence report it has done so on warship recycling. According to a study by the Disposal Services Authority (DSA) on the recycling of the former warship HMS Endurance, the recycling levels have been very high. The recycling work for the ship was won…

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Don’t forget the FM Show – London 20th-22nd June

Posted on 5th June, 2017

There are only two weeks to go before the doors open for the Facilities Management Show at the ExCeL Centre in East London. We will be making our first appearance at the show with our Omnibus of Waste. We would like to extend a personal invitation to you to join us on stand P1100 for…

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EU waste talks get underway

Posted on 5th June, 2017

While the UK awaits the outcome of the General Election and its impact on the stance towards the Brexit negotiations, activity continues at a fast pace within the European Union over waste policy and the circular economy. At the end of May, discussions started on the future direction of the EU’s laws on waste and…

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