
What can go wrong?

Posted on 7th March, 2018

In the modern age, we are being constantly inundated about stories of large firm’s websites being hacked, identity theft being committed and people being conned out of money because fraudsters have got hold of their old data. That’s why it’s a good idea to never keep old data on any computers when you are replacing…

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Plastics recyclers facing turbulent market

Posted on 7th March, 2018

Plastic recyclers appear to be remaining cautiously optimistic about export markets in the face of market challenges around material quality and the China export restrictions. However, some have questioned the long-term viability of the emerging export markets which are now taking some material which would have gone to China. There have also been widespread calls…

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2017 WEEE collection target missed

Posted on 7th March, 2018

Statistics published by Defra have suggested that the 2017 collection target for waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) has been missed. In total, compliance schemes collected 522,901 tonnes of WEEE in 2017, which was 16% shy of the target of 621,990. A number of compliance schemes are thought to have missed the overall 2017 targets,…

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New contract with Renewi

Posted on 7th February, 2018

Renewi (formerly Shanks) has further cemented the strong national relationship with WasteCare by agreeing to a two year contract for WasteCare to manage the WEEE and Hazardous Waste from the Wakefield HWRCs. This new contract follows a similar contract with Renewi for their East London HWRCs. This highlights the significant role WasteCare has within the…

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Minister inspects deposit return schemes

Posted on 7th February, 2018

Calls for the introduction of deposit return system (DRS) for drinks containers in the UK have gathered pace in recent months, with MPs and green groups among those to call for the measure. Recycling Minister Therese Coffey recently led a UK delegation to Norway to visit a company running an equivalent scheme in the country,…

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UK shoots ahead in ELV recycling performance

Posted on 7th February, 2018

A jump of more than 6% in the End of Life Vehicle (ELV) recycling and recovery performance in the UK during 2015, means that the country has met the 95% target set by the European Union for the year. The latest figures published by the European Commission show that the UK’s performance in 2015 rose…

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WEEE data suggests 2019 target challenge

Posted on 7th February, 2018

WEEE targets for 2019 could prove challenging to meet, if a downward trend in the collection of waste electrical items continues, latest figures suggest. The UK has historically met its mandatory EU goals for the collection of WEEE with ease, but in 2019, this target is set to jump from a current level of around…

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EU strategy targets plastic waste

Posted on 7th February, 2018

Europe has targeted increased recyclability of plastic products in a strategy described as a “transition towards a more circular economy”. Under the new plans, outlined by the EU Commission Vice President Frans Timmermans in January, all plastic packaging on the EU market will be recyclable by 2030, the consumption of single use plastics will be…

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Packaging exports in spotlight in TV documentary

Posted on 7th February, 2018

A television documentary questioning the viability of sending recovered plastics from the UK to South East Asia has prompted calls for the UK’s packaging waste regulations to be reviewed. The Sky Atlantic documentary ‘Dirty Business’ highlighted some of the continued challenges faced by UK companies in exporting recyclable materials to the Far East, which has…

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The Big Battery Hunt

Posted on 7th February, 2018

To assist school teachers to set up their recycling containers for Duracell’s Big Battery Hunt, we have created a video that they can view on the National Schools Partnership website. The 90 second video explains how to transform the package delivered to the school into a fully functioning recycling container. The availability of video tutorials…

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