Category Archives: Government


Growth predicted in waste and recycling sector

Posted on 6th January, 2013

Government figures have predicted continuing growth in the waste management sector over the next few years. Officials predict short term growth of 3.0% for waste management sales and 3.9% for recovery and recycling for the remainder of the 2012-13 financial year. Additionally, growth is expected in the waste and recycling sectors beyond this into 2013-14….

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Massive change to WEEE regulations

Posted on 12th December, 2012

The department of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) has this week begun the debate on the much vaunted recast WEEE Regulations. Expected to be set into law in 2014, BIS will be publishing a consultation paper in February 2013. Since they came into force in 2006, the WEEE regulations have been heavily criticised for burdening…

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Higher plastics recycling targets agreed

Posted on 12th December, 2012

The plastic recycling targets for 2013 have changed following an agreement made by MPs in parliament at the end of November. Higher targets for recycling plastic, aluminium and steel packaging will commence from January 2013. In Parliament, MP for Rugby Mark Pawsey voiced concerns raised to him by the British Plastics Federation (BPF) and the…

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Waste prevention plan to be debated in early 2013

Posted on 12th December, 2012

Defra has stated that it will launch a formal call for evidence for its future Waste Prevention Plan early next year. This call for evidence will eventually inform the Government’s Waste Prevention Programme, and will focus on key areas for action. The Waste Prevention Plan is thought to be among the priorities of newly appointed…

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Timeline to streamline waste regs announced

Posted on 5th October, 2012

Defra has stated that a consultation will be held in March next year to agree what measures can be put in place to remove some of the paperwork burden of dealing with waste for businesses. The aim is to free up businesses from having to fill in multiple Waste Transfer Notes and to therefore enable…

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Waste Guidance Issued by Defra

Posted on 11th September, 2012

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has issued guidance for businesses on what counts as waste and how to come to this conclusion. The guidance follows a draft document which was published in January 2010. It is an important document because it enables businesses to determine whether activities are subject to waste…

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The budget unravelled

Posted on 22nd March, 2012

George says… …We are all in it together The challenges both in the economy and the environment can only successfully be tackled with all stakeholders in society working together. This budget shows the Governments determination to create an atmosphere for sustainable growth. Below are some of the key elements of todays budget that we believe…

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Questions raised over Weekly Collection Support Scheme as deadline looms

Posted on 22nd February, 2012

The 16th March is the initial deadline for submission of expressions of interest in the government’s Weekly Collection Support Scheme. This is a challenge fund which will make up to £250m available to support local authorities in delivering better weekly collections of household waste and recycling. The fund is open to bids from English local…

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EU Fines Consultation

Posted on 22nd February, 2012

Local authorities may be made to deal with fines over waste management and recycling which were previously levied at a National level. This is now the subject of a European consultation. Local authorities have been warned on a number of occasions that if they failed to meet landfill diversion targets, they could be fined millions…

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England’s recycling rate at 42%

Posted on 22nd February, 2012

Figures announced at the start of February for the first quarter of 2011/12 (April-June 2011) showed that 44% of household waste was sent for recycling, compost and reuse. When analysed over the course of the rolling year to minimise the effect of any seasonal fluctuations, this means that 42% was recycled between July 2010 and…

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