
Battery Recycling Points – power to the people

Posted on 31st October, 2008

Despite the fact the Government have yet to publish the draft Battery Recycling Regulations which were promised last July, BatteryBack are on track to have over 1,000 free collection points throughout the UK by Christmas.

In addition, a number of major retailers are aiming to launch BatteryBack in the New Year. Government delays may mean the implementation of the Regulations may be delayed until late in 2009, WasteCare are committed to help fund customers to promote battery recycling to ensure Britain is best placed to meet its legal commitments as set out in the Battery Directive.

Further delays may result in Britain being fined by the European Commission.

“As we already have the lowest cost model in Europe and we are ready to go, it seems odd that the Government are to risk being fined. Further delays will cost producers, retailers and eventually users more”.

Explains Simon Perfect, Commercial Director of WeeeCare Plc.